Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Highlight of the Thesis

The Exploration of Kawaii (Japanese Style) into Character Animation

Chapter 1 Introduction
In this chapter, the researcher will introduces the phenomenon of the kawaii. The researcher has seen the potential of the kawaii, it is because kawaii has appeared in a lot of fields such as web design, fashion, and lifestyle ideas tailored to various cultures of their own.

Research Question
- find out what are the elements in kawaii character
- understand the concept visual of the kawaii character appearing in the animation

Research Objective
- identify the elements of kawaii characters
- analyze the type of kawaii characters represented in animation that are appearing in the animation

Chapter 2 Literature Review
For the chapter literature review, the researcher has studied the context that are related with the research. That are:-
2.1       Kawaii
2.1.1     Element of kawaii
2.2       Animation
2.2.1     Character Animation
2.3       Character Design
2.3.1     Kawaii Character Design

Chapter 3 Methodology
The researcher will conduct the case study as the research method. It will study 3 designers that apply kawaii element in their design. The researcher will observe the designer’s character design to find out the element that is the kawaii.

i. Simone Ledgno
ii. Silvia Portella
iii. Charuca

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